04 August 2007

Sockapalooza 4 Package

My sock pal rocks! Check out my care package:

Starting from the bottom left, Wavy Socks, some slipper socks, some tea, a Magic Towel, Reindeer Droppings (candy), leftover yarn from the Wavy Socks, a cool postcard of my pal's town (she lives above the Artic Circle!!), a cute cat card, bamboo Addis, and cool packaging in the background.

My Wavy Socks:

cuff detail:

(how cute is that "hand made" charm?!)

Bonus slipper socks:

I can't wait for things to cool off enough to wear those slipper socks around the house. As if this wasn't impressive enough, she dyed the yarn herself. The blue is a great heathered color that really works well with the texture of the Wavy Socks. I really love them--thank you Jaana!

My hubby is very jealous but at least I can share the tea with him.

{happy feet dance}


Octopus Knits said...

What a great package (and great socks)!

muoriska said...

I'm happy to see that socks did fit you.. I have a little bit smaller feet..
Hope they last long and you can enjoy them.
It was my pleasure.
