Chugging AlongWell, after trying a couple of more times to follow the lace pattern for the edging backwards, I gave up. I still think it would work but since I didn't redo the chart, I kept screwing it up. So, in the end I broke the yarn (not about to pick up all those stitches again) and started the edging from the correct side. Here's the progress to date:
Every couple of repeats, I miss a stitch somewhere and have to rip back but at least I can tell where I missed the stitch now that I've been working on it a while. You can't tell from the picture, but I've gotten about 2/3 of the way down the first side.
Since its lace and not blocked, it doesn't look too impressive right now but I have high hopes for it. When I talked with MIL yesterday, she asked how her shawl was coming along. What I have so far has taken all of season one of
Xena: Warrior Princess and the first half of season two. I'm thinking I might be able to justify buying the next couple of seasons as a way to finish the rest. As an aside, since I'm not actually watching most of the episodes, I have realized that the musical selections for this show are really good.
When I can't keep the pattern straight or I actually want to watch what is on TV, I go back to the Leo. Here's the progress:
It's about 10 inches now. I've got about another 6 inches before I start the arm shaping. I wish now that I had thought to convert this pattern to knit in the round but I haven't done that before and I wimped out. However, I bought some LB Wool Ease in
Guava (discontinued color, got it on ebay) that will be my experimental yarn. I'm hoping to use it for my very own
Ribby Cardi. I figure if I mess something up, its just for me so there is no pressure to get it right the first time.